Being aware of the surroundings and able to make changes by helping the people of the surrounding is a sign of a reasonable and responsible organization. HubSalt has been playing an active role in supporting underprivileged people. Due to the lack of reliable medical facilities in the industrial sector of Hub Baluchistan, people in those areas suffer from various diseases like skin conditions and eye infections. The toxic waste in the environment primarily causes breathing problems, released by several factories in the neighborhood, while diarrhea in children is brought on by drinking contaminated water.
Additionally, they were unable to access the central city hospital or pay for the treatment due to their dire financial situation. We therefore considered the notion that the region urgently requires a medical facility that could solve all of their medical needs without paying.
With the help of Almighty Allah and by following Mr. Ibrahim Suttar’s footsteps, the ordinary dispensary has evolved into a fully operational OPD HOSPITAL with a pathological lab, X-ray equipment, diagnostic, Eye OT, surgical services, and pharmacy that can treat an average of 200 patients each day.
Under the roof of Halima Hospital, we try our best to meet the needs of every patient and provide the care and support they deserve as human beings. Through our ceaseless effort, Halima Hospital has become a triumphal example which provides the following services to the local populace:

Enhanced Diagnostics

Besides building a complete medical care facility, HPCT also focused on treating Eye Problems. HPCT organized its first eye camp in 2001 and did 36 operations with IOL (Intraocular Lens). Later this work was kindly taken up and adopted by the Rotary Club of Karachi South.
We began conducting routine OPDs for eye patients in the hospital in January 2006, and in December of the same year, we established a well-equipped eye OT. About 35+ eye procedures are performed by our team every other Sunday. Since then, thousands of patients have undergone surgery for a small fee—even less than an ophthalmologist would charge for one or two consultations!
Besides building a complete medical care facility, HPCT also focused on treating Eye Problems. HPCT organized its first eye camp in 2001 and did 36 operations with IOL (Intraocular Lens). Later this work was kindly taken up and adopted by the Rotary Club of Karachi South.
We began conducting routine OPDs for eye patients in the hospital in January 2006, and in December of the same year, we established a well-equipped eye OT. About 35+ eye procedures are performed by our team every other Sunday. Since then, thousands of patients have undergone surgery for a small fee—even less than an ophthalmologist would Hepatitis
Upon finding out about the rapid spread of Hepatitis B & C around the world. Hub Salt took measures to control the spread of this fatal infectious disease in the industrial town of Hub Balochistan. Halima Hospital has been working at both grass-roots levels as well as the highest level to ensure the rate reduction and, if possible, complete eradication by
- offering screening at the most affordable prices.
- counseling to prevent the transmission of an infection.
- Hepatitis B vaccination in non-reactive cases.
- the best possible care for those with Hepatitis C.
We are pleased to report that we have successfully treated more than 30,000 individuals with Hepatitis B and C to date. We are determined to go a very long way.


Tuberculosis is a disease that attacks the lungs and later outstretches other parts of the body, like the brain and spine. It is widespread in Baluchistan. The condition is highly contagious, and if proper treatment & awareness is not provided promptly, it can affect the larger population.
In 2002 to fight against the illness, Hub Salt introduced the DOTS (Directly Observed Treatment Short course) program in Hub town, which was initiated by WHO to put shackles on this potentially lethal and highly infectious disease.
This program includes treatment by DOTS-trained staff and proper counseling to halt the further spread by educating the patients on how to avoid further transmission.
Family Planning

People living in rural or semi-urban areas tend to have larger family sizes, like 12-14 children per couple. It is merely due to a lack of education and a conservative mindset where family planning is considered taboo even to discuss. Large families create many issues as it affects the mother and child’s health, and each child does not get proper attention. Poverty hits them mainly. As the world evolves rapidly, institutions and medical hospitals are there to educate people about the importance of family planning.
We sent our lady doctor for training in the Green Star program, and within three months, we had put 15 ladies under this program with Pills, Injectables and IUCDs. As the awareness is spreading, more & more patients are now embracing contraceptive methods. We provide this service free of charge and hope to help control the rapidly increasing population in the area.spreading, more & more patients are now embracing contraceptive methods. We provide this service free of charge and hope to help control the rapidly increasing population in the area.
Other Services

We have a pharmacy at Halima Hospital where Hub Area locals can get their prescription medications at a discounted rate. We also have a pediatric specialist to focus on the health and well-being of children in the community. We also have gastroenterology specialists because the residents of Industrial Area Hub experience many gastrointestinal organ problems due to limited access to nutrient-rich food that is commonly compromised.