Hub Pak Charitable Trust
HubSalt created a trust named HUB PAK CHARITABLE TRUST (HPCT) which has been formed with the sole purpose to work for the welfare of society. As we conducted our business, we started becoming aware of our surroundings and areas where we managed our businesses, which led us to create a Trust that can positively impact the people and children in our society. Ever since it came into being, it has been serving the people of the HUB Industrial area till date. Our core duty is to uplift the less privileged sector of the community, who cannot access basic needs due to unfavorable economic conditions and being deprived of primary education & healthcare facilities. Therefore, we have been committed to helping them move forward in life.
“Not until the creation and maintenance of decent conditions of life for all people are recognized and accepted as a common obligation of all people and all countries—not until then shall we, with a certain degree of justification, be able to speak of humankind as civilized.” –Albert Einstein
HubSalt does not make an exception when promoting knowledge and healthy lifestyles in society. That is why the first two initiatives taken by the founder of HPCT, Mr. Ibrahim Suttar (late), were free schools and dispensaries. These two initiatives flourished impressively under his influence and guidance. Since his demise in June 2005, the charity has been managed by Mrs. Mumtaz Suttar, Mr. Ismail Suttar, and Mr. Ali Illias and is still progressing remarkably on the same principle. HubSalt has always been upfront and firmly holds the principle that no act of kindness is ever so small to make an impact on others. No matter how minimal resources we have, we have always given our best to make the most out of it for society and made sure that gradually it will grow bigger and reach a larger population.
Halima Hospital

Being aware of the surroundings and being able to make changes by helping the people is a sign of a reasonable and responsible organization. HubSalt has been playing an active role in supporting underprivileged people. Due to the lack of reliable medical facilities in the industrial sector of Hub Baluchistan, people in those areas suffer from various diseases like skin conditions and eye infections.
Jamia Al Mariam School

One of the fundamental pillars of a society that promotes communal development is education. Hub salt has observed that illiteracy is the primary cause of the rise of illness, infection, and other diseases. The region had a very low rate of literacy. People were unable to comprehend the severity of the condition without education. The value of education and the dire necessity for it among the residents of Balochistan’s industrial town of Hub have long been emphasized by Hub Salt.